San Juan Creek divides Doheny State Beach into a day-use area and a campground. Both are attractive for wheelchair riding. The day-use area has a lot of landscaped areas next to the beach, with barbecues, picnic tables, and fire pits. The campground has reasonably accessible facilities and a bike path that runs down to San Juan Capistrano. There’s also a small visitor center at the parking lot entrance with interpretive displays, aquariums, and a tidepool.

Beach wheelchairs are available. Call ahead or inquire at the ranger’s booth at the entrance to the parking lot. The water at Dana Point is relatively quiet for swimming, as Dana Point Harbor blocks the rougher surf.

Two campsites near the restrooms are reserved for wheelchair riders. There are accessible picnic tables and fire pits next to the sites, but the surf zone is below beach level so there’s no view of the water.


The restrooms in the day-use area have front-transfer stalls with grab bars. The stalls in the campground restrooms are wider, but most are still shy of a five-foot turning radius.