Just beyond Shoreline Village, the promenade that began at the Aquarium connects to a smooth concrete bike path that follows the inland side of the marina to Long Beach City Beach, then runs south along Belmont Shore to 54th Place. The path has a pedestrian-only lane and two bicycle lanes. It’s a good place for a workout.

You can also walk or drive onto the jetty that shelters the marina. A concrete sidewalk runs the full length of the jetty (about 1/3 mile), so you can take in a view of the marina on one side and the bay on the other. There are three fishing piers on the bay side. The handrails are a little high for fishing from a wheelchair, but the lower portion of the rail is fairly open, so visibility is good.


Park in the Aquarium garage, the Shoreline Village lot, or in the blue spaces at the second fishing pier on the jetty. A public restroom near the second pier has a wide stall with grab bars, and sinks with paddle handles.